Parenting Through the Storm

OK parents, I'm gonna say something that we've all thought at least once in our adult lives, are you ready? Here it is...

Kids can be real jerks sometimes.

Whew...I feel better now. Now don't tar and feather me just yet. I absolutely love my two children, and Alicia's two as well, (we're almost the Brady Bunch) but there are times that would even make the Pope lock himself in the bathroom and scream. No one said parenting would be easy, but come on. Sometimes, by the end of the week, Daddy needs a break. It's even worse when you're outnumbered.

Alright, enough complaining, I could have it a lot worse. Just spending a few minutes in a public place around other kids will prove that in no time flat. For the most part, all four of our kids are really good. I know mine are regarded at their school for being some of the best behaved and most well mannered, and I would much rather them misbehave for me than anyone else, but sometimes, I'm not sure the good Lord himself could break their will. I'm definitely paying for my raising at times with them.

Now, I'm not here to gain sympathy for difficult children. I've been around enough other parents to know that ain't gonna happen. I'm just saying that kids can be a handful, and that's an extent. Sometimes "boys will be boys" is ok, but when is it not? For me, it's when their actions directly affect someone else. I've definitely been working on not letting them get all bent out of shape when someone hurts them, but I also want them to make sure they aren't hurting someone else with what they say and do. I want to raise gentlemen (and a lady). Kind-hearted, passionate, gentle, but strong, Godly adults.

My oldest, who's 9, and I have been talking a lot about this sort of stuff. He is very inquisitive, and super smart for his age, but he's also my biggest challenge. He's strong-willed to a fault. In the right situation, that's a great trait to posses, but in the wrong one...look out. He often cracks, if not breaks my will completely. My 6-year-old marches to his own beat, and that's an entirely different battle, but I'm trying to instill characteristics that I'm unfortunately seeing go the way of the buffalo these days.

What I'm saying is, pick your battles, but make sure you're picking the right ones. Don't raise your kids to be like you, raise them to be better. To be the light that they want to see in others, and still be that light even when they don't see it anywhere around. Every day as a parent has it's own storm. Stand firm in the wind, and be the stable ground and safe haven for your kids. Lead by example, and make sure that example follows what you say.

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