Simplify Your Gifting, Part 3

This week's post is about gifting community. I like this idea for the people in your life that already have everything and need nothing. Why not gift in their honor? I've come up with some suggestions, but let these be a starting point for you.

Gifting community ideas:
  • Breakfast for local service men and women - what better way to honor a loved one and those serving your community? These men and women are away from their loved ones during the holidays serving and protecting while we are with ours.
  • Teacher luncheon - honor a teacher in your life by providing lunch for staff at a local school. If you can't afford lunch, consider having danish or cookies delivered.
  • Treat your nurses - nursing staff don't always get to spend the holidays with their families, show your appreciation by having breakfast or cookies delivered to nursing stations.
  • Community Meal support - honor a loved one by donating to a community holiday meal. If you don't have the resources to donate you could volunteer to help with the meal.
  • Local organization support - I'm a little partial to this one because of my day job. Chances are high that your community has at least 2 non-profit organizations that are looking for donors to support their programs. Honor a family member by donating to one of these organizations.
  • Other ideas - purchase coats for kids in need, donate supplies to a local school serving low income children, donate socks to a local nursing home, donate diapers and/or formula to a local crisis nursery or pregnancy center, donate to your local shop with a cop, donate to your local food pantry, and the list goes on and on and on.
Gifts for your family don't have to be tangible for them, but could mean a lot to someone else. I can't think of a better way to honor those we love than by supporting others.

Simplify Your Gifting, Part 2

Last week I presented the idea of checking items off your gifting list by using small/local businesses. In this week's post, I'll talk about giveback gifting. Giveback gifting (my phrasing) is the use of purchasing item/s from a company that use part or all of their profits to benefit others. I'm sure there are a ton of these companies out there...I'm just providing you with a couple to get you started. I love the idea of purchasing from a companies or organizations that do this, don't you?

Giveback gifting ideas:

  • Love Your Melon - what better gift at Christmas than a warm cozy beanie?! From their site: Love Your Melon is an apparel brand dedicated to giving a hat to every child battling cancer in America as well as supporting nonprofit organizations who lead the fight against pediatric cancer. Learn more about their mission and products by clicking here.
  • Hope Outfitters - looking for a t-shirt or hoodie to gift this Christmas? Consider shopping with Hope Outfitters. From their site: Every 4-6 months we partner with a new charity, work to create awareness for it and donate 100% of the profits from the sale of our clothing back to its cause.  We call it, Buy 1 Give 100--You buy 1 or more items and we give 100% of the profits back to the cause. Learn more about their mission and products by clicking here.
  • Pura Vida Bracelets - maybe you're looking to gift small or add a little something to stockings...consider purchasing a bracelet that supports a cause close to your gift recipients heart. From their site: Giving back has always been core belief at Pura Vida, which is why we started the Charity Collection. Since the beginning, we have partnered with over 190 different charities around the world and have donated more than $1,500,000 to causes we believe in. At Pura Vida, we dream to do more, which is why we’re always on the lookout for new charities that can benefit from this collection. Check out their list of charities to find just the right bracelet. Learn more about their mission and products by clicking here.
A quick Google search brought up this list of over 30 charitable companies - click here. And some of the same companies appear on this list. And another list here.  We'd love to know some of your favorite companies and organizations that are part of this idea of giveback gifting!

Simplify Your Gifting, Part 1

This week's gifting ideas are all about small businesses and shopping local.

Look at your gifting list and see if any of the items can be purchased locally from a local artist or maker. I'm going to guess that you live in a community with at least one small business that is locally may even know the owner. Why not support them during the holiday shopping season when lots of others are flocking to the big box stores or shopping online?

Shopping locally could mean purchasing some items that are a little outside the box. (I have a whole separate post about this, but you can always come back and reference this when we get to that week ;) ) We may not live in the same community, but use this post as a guide for you to consider similar ideas for the people on your gifting list. Think of the small businesses in your community and how you can incorporate them into your gift buying this year.

Small business/local shopping ideas:
  • local candy shop - We have a gourmet popcorn shop in our town and I've been gifted with some of their popcorn before and it's AMAZING! Gifts like this can be kind of expensive, so this could be a nice little treat for someone. This is a consumable gift which means after it's been enjoyed there is no need to find a place to store it long term.
  • local coffee shop/eatery - Do you have a coffee lover in your life? Treat them with some fresh found coffee and s gift card to their local coffee shop. We consider it a treat to visit our local coffee shop and indulge in a speciality coffee and delicious pastry. If you're in our town, you'll want to stop by Joe Sippers
  • local winery - We have a couple of wineries in our surrounding community. Why not treat someone with a bottle of a favorite or even a gift card...better yet, a bottle and a gift card. Sometimes gift cards/certificates to local businesses like this can be used towards special event nights. A nice bottle of wine is a perfect party hostess gift or an easy one to pick up for a office gift drawing. Our favorite is Tuscan Hills.
  • local artisans - Local artists typically sell their work at other local businesses....stop in for a look and maybe grab their business card. You never know what they might have at home that's not available around town. Local art could be paintings, pottery, jewelry, homemade skincare products, etc. 
  • Small business spotlight: 51 Woodworks - Do you have a writer or business person (or lover of pens) in your life? I have just the guy for you.  I'm giving a shout to a friend from high school in this post. I started following his woodworking page several months back and he does great work. He makes STUNNING custom ink pens from wood and/or resin.
    Seriously, he does beautiful work! Currently his work is found on Facebook on his page, 51 Woodworks. Click here to see some of his work.
  • Small business spotlight: Lemondime- I found this artist at a artisan market a few years back and then started following her on Facebook. She makes pretty necklaces and does sales on her here to visit Lemondime!
    One of the things I love about her work is that she uses her talent to inspire others with the pieces she makes. As a lover of words, these are some of my favorites.
When gifting this year, try marking some gifts off your list with local shops and small businesses.

Simplify Your Gifting

It's the time of year when you are either going crazy trying to mark every last item off your gifting list or you're dreading the part where you have to drag yourself out of the house and shop with all the crazies.

Some people love this time of year because of the shopping, but if you're like me it's more like hot chocolate and peanut butter fudge that get you through the madness. I have always loved this time of year because of the food, family, and twinkle lights. (Twinkle lights are my favorite! ❤) I love giving and receiving gifts too...I don't like how the world has changed our mindset of gifting.

The holidays have become so commercialized and more about the consumer than about the gift or the thought. Join us for the next 6 weeks, as we share some ideas on gifting and saving ourselves from the madness. It's time to reclaim gifting!