Simplify Your Gifting, Part 3

This week's post is about gifting community. I like this idea for the people in your life that already have everything and need nothing. Why not gift in their honor? I've come up with some suggestions, but let these be a starting point for you.

Gifting community ideas:
  • Breakfast for local service men and women - what better way to honor a loved one and those serving your community? These men and women are away from their loved ones during the holidays serving and protecting while we are with ours.
  • Teacher luncheon - honor a teacher in your life by providing lunch for staff at a local school. If you can't afford lunch, consider having danish or cookies delivered.
  • Treat your nurses - nursing staff don't always get to spend the holidays with their families, show your appreciation by having breakfast or cookies delivered to nursing stations.
  • Community Meal support - honor a loved one by donating to a community holiday meal. If you don't have the resources to donate you could volunteer to help with the meal.
  • Local organization support - I'm a little partial to this one because of my day job. Chances are high that your community has at least 2 non-profit organizations that are looking for donors to support their programs. Honor a family member by donating to one of these organizations.
  • Other ideas - purchase coats for kids in need, donate supplies to a local school serving low income children, donate socks to a local nursing home, donate diapers and/or formula to a local crisis nursery or pregnancy center, donate to your local shop with a cop, donate to your local food pantry, and the list goes on and on and on.
Gifts for your family don't have to be tangible for them, but could mean a lot to someone else. I can't think of a better way to honor those we love than by supporting others.

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