Man Up

We see it everywhere today, a rising epidemic of boys not being raised into men. A neuterization of the male population, where they can order a latte and hold a webinar, but can’t change a tire or fix a leaky faucet. Some can’t even change a light bulb. I was fortunate enough to have a father who was a jack of all trades. A product of hard work and good raising. Where the value of a hard day’s work and a hard earned dollar are more important than the clothes on your back and the car you drive or even the house you live in. He never did anything around the house without telling me to come and watch because one day, I would be the man of my house and would need to know how to do that. I owe him for the man I am in that aspect. 

Sometimes, I know just enough to be dangerous, but I still know what I’m doing for the most part and there is very little I have to ask help for, and it’s all because of him.

If you’re reading this, and are a man with children, remember that you are a majority of the influence they have in their life. If you have a boy, show them how to be a man. How to do the fundamentals in life, and also how to be a gentleman and treat women with love and respect. If you have a girl, set the standard for men in their life. Let them see what they should look for in a husband and be the benchmark that they gauge every boyfriend against.

 “Train up a child in the way they should go, and when they are old, they won’t depart from it.” – Proverbs 22:6

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