Date Night

You know those nights when you just don't want to leave the house or put on real pants? The struggle can be real. Jason and I love just spending time together and we don't have to be doing anything special. I recently came across a capital idea (someone else was capitalizing on it, but I was wishing I had...) A date night in kit. You can subscribe to a monthly date night box - ideas prepared, directions provided, no sitter required!

I ran with this idea on my own - cause I'm creative, right?! I went to my favorite website/app...(can you guess? If you're thinking Pinterest - you're a winner!) and started searching. I wanted something tied to hearts (cause, Valentine's day) and a game (we both like games). From my search, I decided on a card game. I created a list of questions and tied them to each of the cards in a deck (red...for Valentine's day:) ) - except for the suit of hearts. I presented the gift as a simple deck of cards and then gave Jason the print out of the questions. We're always asking each other questions - questions on New Year's Eve is what birthed this blog!

Some of the questions were silly and others a little more serious. We had fun sitting around in comfy pants drawing cards and asking each other questions and the sweet little surprise of a <3 card brought on sweet kisses. We really weren't celebrating Valentine's day, we typically come up with a meal idea and cook together on our date nights. That's the thing - date nights don't have to be some elaborate event reservations and a schedule. Date nights for us have always been about spending time together. We've actually never gone to the movies together - we would probably get in trouble at the theater (not for necking...for talking and laughing too loud), but to us time at a theater watching a movie together isn't being present for us (maybe it works for others, and that's great - do what works for you!). We've made 4 hour drives seem like an hour because we get lost in conversation and end up covering topics from things that annoy us to religion. It's who we are and we love that sort of undivided time.

Making time and being present for your significant other doesn't have to cost anything. It's about finding a balance between living everyday life and continually growing a lasting relationship. So maybe you subscribe to the date night box (Google can help you find it AND they have a free newsletter with free date night ideas sent to your inbox) or maybe you do a little search for free date night ideas and make the most of the uninterrupted time. Live purposefully, love intentionally.

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