Measure Twice...Cut Once

Ahh, the smell of Home Depot...where does that smell transport you? I go back to my childhood when I'd go to the hardware store with my dad. I was taken back this weekend when Jason and I walked through the automatic doors; it was like they were ushering us in.

The project: bunk beds. I've been tucking the twins in mini cribs/mini beds for almost 3 years. And each night, I've been watching their feet slowly like through the end slats. I've searched Pinterest, page after page, and then angels started singing when I laid my eyes on a link for making crib mattress size bunk beds (ahhhh!).

I mentioned my idea to Jason and he took it from there. He drew up plans and figured out how much lumber we would need using the least amount of cuts. He wanted to get the most out of the purchase and...we did!

We did make some minor adjustments to the plans in Home Depot and after all was said and done, we had 3 small, extra boards. We were able to finish the assembly of the bunk beds in an afternoon and survived our first building project together.

This project shed some light on spending habits...have we gotten so far off track that we're not even measuring at all before making a purchase? I can't tell you the number of times I've carried around and item in the store just to leave it behind because I decided I didn't need it, or the number of times I've left a store without buying anything. Crossing their consumer driven threshold doesn't legally bind you to making a purchase befor exiting.

Measuring can be going through your closet again to make a second purge or it's asking a neighbor if you can borrow the tool you need. Maybe it's doing an inventory of your bills to make sure you're using the services you're paying for, but it's also about measuring our heart for what we really need to be happy. I don't need the excess to just lay around and take up space...I don't want to have to clean around more junk! I would rather take the time to measure again just in case than make a purchase that left me wanting more and feeling less. 

I'm of the mindset of cutting the excess. How about you?

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